About YPF
Formed as a commission under the Swiss Physical Society (SPS), the Young Physicist Forum (YPF) is a committee of students from various Swiss universities with the goal to create a platform of communication among young physicists.
We believe that conferences and forums are ideal places to cultivate social and scientific exchanges among physics students. Under this premise, the YPF organises a yearly event with an interesting and contemporary topic as the focus.
The YPF was officially established in 2012; among its founding members we had representative from all Swiss physics student associations: VMP (ETHZ), FPU (UZH), Les Irrotationnels (EPFL), FG 14 (Uni Basel), FPA (Uni Bern), Fachschaft Physique (Uni Fribourg) and AEP (Uni Genève).
Physics Students Associations in Switzerland
Swiss Physical Society
The SPS does what the YPF does, but on a greater scale. Founded in 1908, it coordinates and encourages communication among all people and institutions that are active in the fields of physics in Switzerland. That entails the political, industrial and academic sector, national research facilities such as the PSI or the CERN, and also regional physical societies and associations. It is also commited to the fostering of the next generation, supporting various foundations and projects specialized in the assistance and encouragement of young people interested in physics or science in general. As an organisation by physicists for physicists, everyone who has a connection to phsysics is welcome to become a member. More information under the website of the SPS.
If you wish to contribute to our blog, or provide us with feedback, you can contact us at: youngphysicistsforum@gmail.com
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concerning the forums we are organizing, please fill out the form here .