Committee 2021
I am studying physics at the University of Geneva, currently in the master, doing my master’s thesis about gravitational-wave cosmology.
It is my third year in the YPF committee. I really like visiting remarkable places in the world of Physics and Science while meeting other students from other universities. Besides studying physics I have a few hobbies like e.g. gliding, skiing, music, etc.
Edwin is the YPF president
Anna Lüber
I am studying physics in the last year of my Masters's at the University of Bern. I am really interested in fields like astrophysics, especially space research. Surely, Stephen Hawking was my inspiration! Besides my studies, I do a lot of sports and I love to meet new people with similar interests as me. I think the YPF does exactly this and that's the reason why I am part of it.
Anna is the YPF vice-president
Toni Berger
I am currently working on my bachelor in physics. Right now I’m on my second year at the University of Basel, where I was accepted for the Honor’s Track for physics, laying the focus for my future studies on experimental physics.
I’m really looking forward to my first year in the YPF committee. Because even though I haven’t been to any YPF event yet, I’ll be sure to give it my best.
My free-time activities, besides studying physics, are playing video games, jogging, and watching series and movies.
Toni is the YPF secretary
Luna Bloin-Wibe
I started my MSc in Physics at ETH Zürich this fall, but previously did my BSc at EPFL. It's hard to say exactly what interests me most in physics. That's why I'm taking as many courses as I can: from General relativity to Quantum Information Theory, passing through Environmental Physics.
After going to the 2019 Forum about Quantum information, I saw how it brought deeper knowledge and inspired future physicists. This made me want to be a part of YPF!
Besides my studies, I enjoy climbing, writing, dancing and basically any new thing I realize is cool as well.
Luna is the YPF treasurer
Frederik Van der Brugge
Due to my strong interest in natural sciences and their technological applications, I have chosen to study physics at the ETH in Zurich. I am currently in the second year of my Bachelor. Apart from physics, I am also interested in artificial intelligence, robotics and automation.
In my free time, I like to play video games, hang out with friends or exploit my netflix subscription. On very rare occasions, you will also find me doing cheesy things like reading a book, doing sports or travelling.
As one of the newbies at the Young Physicists Forum, I am excited to help establish a society of physicists that reaches beyond lecture rooms. I also look forward to organizing and participating in the YPF forums, which celebrate the numerous fascinating sides of physics.
Johannes Eberle
I am in the first year of my studies towards a bachelor‘s degree in Physics at ETH Zürich. My preferred fields are particle physics, as well as computer science.
Besides my studies I like playing tennis and Go. Moreover, I enjoy reading books and travelling.
Meeting new people that are as passionate about physics as I am, has been one of my greatest experiences over the course of the past few years. That is why I am looking forward to the next YPF Forum which will also be my first.