Before you register yourself, please read the following organisational rules. More detailed information regarding the schedule and meeting point for the event will follow shortly before the event. You can also find more info about the event here.
We will meet in Lausanne for the event, on the 26th of April, at 1 pm. The event will end approximately on Sunday noon.
→ The YPF does not cover any transportation costs for your ticket to/from Lausanne
The Hotel we will stay in do not offer single rooms, so you might have to share your room with a few other YPF participants. During check-in, we will try to take your preferences for room-sharing into consideration.
After you complete the registration below, you will be sent an invoice of between 10SFR and 50SFR , depending on the options you have chosen (hotel stay needed? public transport in the city of Lausanne needed?). If you want to make use of a hotel stay offered by YPF, the offer also includes breakfast on Saturday morning. In addition, all other meals (Friday dinner, Saturday lunch + dinner, Sunday brunch) are included in this participation fee, regardless of whether you stay in a hotel or not.
Your registration will only be fully completed once the invoice has been paid.
First come, first serve!
Payment Options:
to register, Please fill out the form below
Registration deadline: …